Our Process

The journey of honey from hive to your home

It all starts in the beehive, where our bees are busy collecting nectar from the nearby flowers to bring to the hive to make honey. The hives are positioned close to certain varieties of trees to produce a consistent taste and variety of honey.

We partner closely with bee keepers all across Australia to place the beehives in pristine and unpolluted environments close to nature to ensure that this translates to the highest quality honey both in terms of taste also beneficial health properties

Our beekeepers harvest the honey by collecting the honeycomb frames, scrape off the wax cap that the bees make to seal off the honey in each cell. The frames are then placed in an extractor to bring out the honey from the comb.

We make sure to leave enough honey for the bees to eat. Luckily most hives make over 30 kilos in surplus honey!

At the factory, the honey is warmed at a low temperature and then strained to remove any remaining wax and particles. This method is called the cold extraction process, which keeps the temperature of the honey as low as possible, to preserve the quality of the honey such as its active properties and taste. The honey is then lightly filtered to remove any large particles of wax and then sent to our factory.

All of our active honeys are regularly and routinely sampled and sent off-site for independent testing.

This process provides verification of the quality and purity of the honey as well as certification for every batch of active honey that we sell to ensure that it is of the strength and bio-activity advertised.

Testing provides transparency and assurance for our customers that our honey is pure, potent and without any additives.

Once the honey has been tested, it is onto our packing facility where we use the latest technology and equipment in our production lines to sort, fill and package the honey into different size bottles and jars for your home.

Our factory is HACCP certified, which ensures that our processes meets all of the requirements and systems of food safety. These processes ensure that your product has quality assurance and is safe.

Finally the honey is labelled and sent to homes where our 100%, pure Australian honey can be enjoyed by all